Some might label me a bad Catholic christian but in all honesty, I don't think understanding the whole complex doctrine and knowing the number of garments a priest dons for mass matters. Then why do I still go for mass you might ask or why have I not changed churches? I go because there is where I find peace. There is something ethereal and majestic about cathedrals especially when I find myself alone on some random day. As crazy as it may sound, I love the whole demeanour and I like how I feel when I'm there. I have attended the services of other churches but I have just never felt like home. I am also a stickler for routine so my personality matches quite well with the order of mass.
Religion has made everything so complicated. The whole chasing for "holiness" thing has made people blind. It has made people think that making mistakes and having faults is bound to send you to damnation yet we are only human and mistakes are part of this life. Churches have been at the pillar of so much unhealthy criticism. The religious zealotry and fanaticism we are seeing today is coupled with so much hate which has been rooted deeply into people's heads such that they can't basically accept that nobody is greater than the other.
It has poisoned and mentally enslaved people to not think beyond what their churches or doctrines tell them of what is right and what is wrong about worship and other things of this world. Religion has pushed people to act in extremes and it has given some people a sense of justification and pride which is downright stupid. It is just ridiculous and sad to see especially in Christianity how the different denominations use the same Bible to tear each other apart.
I like to refer to myself as a spiritualist. To me spiritualism means living in the world beyond the confines of religion and churches. It means seeing God from a simple perspective. See, I believe in humanity and I believe in co-existence because to me faith is more than religion. I have seen the commitment of Muslims to prayer and the explosion of colour in the Hindu culture. The meditation of the Buddhist monks and their way of life just shows how powerful the human mind is. I have learnt from Taoism philosophy that in every darkness there is some light and in light there is some darkness. Yin and Yang. The world, our spirit, operates fully if we are aware of this balance. These very diverse interesting philosophies is why I have no problem having sane and constructive conversations with Halima or Singh or even Lee Wu. I can comfortably tell them that the whole idea of the sacrament of reconciliation from Catechism classes is just one way of letting us Catholics know that we need to constantly keep in check with our spirit and free our souls from troubles. We may not understand all about each other. But because we know we are just souls in these world searching for some meaning in life, we can have peace with each others differences. There is so much we can learn from each other if only we can respect each others beliefs because faith is not just about religion.
See, I believe in God. He is mysterious and interesting and all things great. I do not however believe that he is trapped in church or any other place of worship. There is so much beauty in the world for me to deny the presence of God. I don't have to go to church to find Him because I have found Him in so many places outside church. I see God in the innocence of children. I find Him in the woven words of poets and in authorship of writers. I see Him in artists who by pouring their souls, use their brush strokes to bring canvas to life. I find Him in ocean waves, in sunrises and in sunsets. I find Him in the wind, rain and in the sparkling stars. I find Him in me and in other people's eyes. I see Him in the kindness shown by other people. I see Him in friendships. I see Him in love. I feel Him in my spirit as I pen these words. It is how I express my faith because I believe I am making a difference in my own small way no matter what people think. This is my kind of worship and these words are my prayers. This universe is my church.
The beliefs and faith we each have of who is God is a whole complex dynamic. As any other person, there are so many questions to which I do not have answers to because not all things in these world are in black or white. I don't know why there is so much pain and suffering in the world. I don't know why there is terror, sadness, disease and despair. I don't know when some of my prayers will be answered. I sometimes can't understand why God lets all of this happen. I don't know where He hides sometimes. May be He lets this happen to make us realize we can be resilient and transcend our differences. That our spirits can intermingle and create a harmonious heaven on earth. I really don't know much. The much I know however is that we can live life enough through faith, hope and love for each other.
If you think I am missing the point about all this, may be it is because you do not want to get the point.
See, to me, it is as easy as this:
To understand a complex God, I simply look at the proverbial rose.
Great message Ivy
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteHooh yes.... People overate holiness...especially Catholic church which I too am born and still raised into. Especially when a clergy man does something wrong everyone is quick to condemn as if they are not human..even the clergy are human and we should understand that human is to error.
ReplyDeleteSecondly let's visit the other denominations like SDA for example, some think and won't preach over sabbath as if Sunday isn't a holy day of worship... People become so very judgemental in churches as if God sent them or they are the first borns of God
All in all the spirituality is overrated. To God is just simple ,,love your neighbour as you does to yourself. Why do people complicate what God wants and doesn't?
Just like everyone wants to go to heaven and no one wants to die. Too bad
Good piece Clasmate
Thank you!! And Good thoughts too
DeleteThis is amazing!! We all should be more understanding and less judgemental!
ReplyDeleteYes we should. Thank you!!
DeleteReligion is as overatted as minji 🤣
ReplyDelete🤣🤣🤣 Oohh well
DeleteI feel you. People criticise each others' religion as if we're competing on whose God is greatest (unfortunately that's what we do). I believe religion shouldn't be about rituals that make us feel entitled to spread everywhere and criticise those who don't accept it. Really love your post. Nicely written. Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kalath Dalah!!
DeleteAs for me religion has never been a limiting factor, in the end every human will always judge you for who you are and who you're not. Basically, as long as you believe that there's a supreme being that you'll be answerable to by the end of the day, then you're good to go.
ReplyDeleteThe debate on religion will never end. We all believe that we're on the right side and that the others are wrong. Religion has started great wars before all in the name of they are wrong and we are right.
One thing is always good though, in religion we all find peace and a sense of belonging. We find identity and feel tranquil when dwelling in the house of our God. Someday we'll all find a common ground and serve together ⚔️
Yes We Will.
DeleteThank you for your thoughts!!
I resonate with you on religion and spiritualism. I was born and raised as an Adventist. Joined a Catholic boarding school and then a Pentecostal high school. As an adult, I consider myself religion fluid. I only look for a connection to my Deity. Nothing more. Doctrines and ways of worship are all influenced by me. I believe in love and humanity; for God is Love.
ReplyDeleteYes. God is Love and that is enough
DeleteGod is love, period!
ReplyDeleteYES HE IS!!
DeleteIn the end your way of connection with the creator makes the whole difference. Great piece Truddie
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteAnd with such well-written and thought-provoking pieces, that revolution will not be televised, but it's surely inescapable. Big up Chevy!
ReplyDeleteThank you Casper!!
ReplyDeleteVery yy truee.. Nice work