Truddie is a writer/future author. She writes about her experiences which feature as articles or poems. She channels her feelings through thought provocking think pieces. She intends to educate through her content and to make people appreciate the joy of reading. "I am on a journey to finding my place in the world,"she says. Join me as we live and love through the laughter and the pain."
I turned a year older just the other day and truth be told this season has had so many lows and highs. For me especially, there were too many letdowns. Hopes held on high just to crush me. Times where I gave those I'm-doing-great -I-can't- complain kind of replies but in truth I wanted scream my head out because nothing was going right. Smiling and making jokes about how everything seems contorted but deep inside I was mad and confused about what a mess everything felt like. These years are totally unnerving. Be that as it may, I just decided to sit back, look at how life is and I realized God is in total control you know.The director behind the scenes. Even though I got mad at him so many times, I somehow knew that it was pointless because that's just it. Pointless. He has a reason for everything. He always has. With all the disappointments there have been real truths revealed though:Those spectacular academic degrees do not mean the work you do w...
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