There is just something about life in the village. It moves on its own accord. The idea of time is almost non-existent because you just tend to lose track of it. Time is wrapped in maze or a bubble of some sort. You either have a lot to do or none at all. Sometimes time stands still and sometimes there is insane work or crazy neighbourhood drama to carry the day. Whatever the case, your mind just tends to wander to distant horizons than it probably would in the hustle and bustle of urban areas. Whether it is fantasy or just some crazy nonsensical idea, this place gives you enough moments to think about your life or just the meaning of life in general. In one of those still moments, my mind drifted to the post I did two weeks ago regarding Friends with Benefits . I was just wondering why some of us choose to have these good-time-person kinds of relationships. I was wondering why we are so afraid to invest in our feelings. Why we’d rather give that person a part of us but...
My Peace and Think Pieces