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Some Nuggets To Go

I am just going to get straight to the point;
Men you are welcome to read this. Ladies though, grab the front row seat and take this in. I am not perfect when it comes to all things men but what I have come to learn about men is that they always know if they want you for fun or if they want to be serious with you. They always do. Here is the thing though; most of them will not tell you which category you fall into. Either they suck at communicating or they expect us to read their minds I really don't know. For the men reading this, we are not mind readers. Communicate your desires straight on please. This business of beating around the bush is totally tiring for some of us.

So ladies, before you get involved with a man who seems interested in you, put your big girl pants on, be the good communicator and ask that man what he wants with you. If the guy is fidgeting or is giving you vague answers just leave him or else you will be crying for someone who was in lust with you. The guys who give such vague answers are mostly those who are already in relationships. These are those guys who will say Ooooh they are going to leave their girlfriends or Ooohh I don't know know what and what. Do not be stupid. You don't have time for the Big O with such a guy. You gotta learn to spot red flags from a mile away. If you value your time then you must know it is not worth it playing second fiddle. Leave that guy alone.

Now if you find that gorgeous man who happens to be single and he says he does not want a relationship or he just wants fun please take his word for it. He means it. Guys may be good liars but they hardly lie about this having fun thing. Do not think that you might change what he feels about that. I think we ladies make the mistake of thinking that we can push guys to develop feelings. We assume things and we end up hurt. If the guy has said he just wants fun. That is it. FUN.
If you are cool with being the good time girl or the friend with benefits go to girl then it is fine. Do you and have a goddamn good time. It is your body anyway and a girl has got needs. Use your brains though and have fun safely.

There is a catch though with being the good time girl: YOU SHOULD HAVE ZERO EXPECTATIONS.

Do not expect the goodnight-goodmorning texts or every day texts πŸ˜‚.

Do not start asking the what-are-we questions. You will be spit out like a hot potato.πŸ˜‚

It means you got to keep that jealousy at bay because you two are basically NOT a thing.

Do not start overthinking things because the moment that man thinks you want a relationship after saying you wanted fun too, he will jump ship and onto the rescue boat. It will not matter if you 50 shaded him six ways to Sunday. That will probably make him stay with you longer but it will not necessarily make him change his mind about having fun with you. So if you start 'catching feelings' for the guy and he is not into it, stop the friends with benefit thing, save your tears and move on. Do not force things because it will end with premium tears and lots of self resentment.

The whole Friends with benefits thing requires a whole lot compartmentalization hence it is not for the faint hearted. If you cannot handle that the energy that comes into NOT involving your feelings then DO NOT get yourself into such situationships. I mean just don't. I am not saying that both of you cannot develop feelings for each other because you can. We are human. Feelings are bound to arise. If both of you are willing to transcend to the deeper realm of connection, love and feelings then by all means dive in and drown into its beauty. If the feelings are not reciprocated however, walk away. Stop breaking your own heart.

Lecture OverπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Good Week Folks!!
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  1. Fifty shaded him six ways to Sunday! �������� Wuehhhh! Huku ni kumoto! Nice read Chevvy!


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