I just learnt the other day that fingers don't have muscles. Like the movement of fingers comes all the way from the forearm. I mean how cool is that? Same principle applies to the toes. We never really stop learning don't we? I have been looking at my fingers differently in a cool way ever since. It just got me thinking as to how we look at life differently when we get to experience certain things. You just realize that there is no one way that life goes. There is no one way to reach to where we want to be. There is no one way to handle certain things. The knowledge you use now won't necessarily be the knowledge you'll use later. For example I can't picture myself taking my kids to a boarding primary school. I've been there. My experience was not that great. I missed my parents. I missed being carefree because that school was very limiting. I feel like I missed a huge chunk of my childhood and I can't imagine doing that to any of my children. I did com...
My Peace and Think Pieces