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Pets are Awesome!!


I saw guinea pigs for the first time two weeks ago and their cuteness reminded me of how much I've missed having a pet. I am not an impulse buyer by nature but I'm sure if I had the cash I'd buy those guinea pigs. My kids better not read this in future because if they happen to ask for a pet it would be very hard to say no to them. I'm afraid I'll have a zoo for a home...haha

If there's one thing I am sure of is my love for animals. But if I was to answer whether I'm cat person or a dog person when it comes to pets, I am definately a dog person. I mean cats are all cute, furry-purry, godly and low maintenance but I find them quite indifferent emotionally.

To me cats always look like they're saying "I am going to sit at your favourite spot and stare out the window for an hour. I'll wait for you to give me food then I'll disappear for like a day or two. I will then come back sit at your favourite spot again and ignore you completely because I don't really care about you. I'm just here for the free food otherwise I can pretty much take care of myself. And ooh, you're stupid sometimes and I don't like the way you laugh." I don't hate cats but I'm just not a cat person.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

But dogs on the other hand can be really into you. They are more emotionally aware and can read your moods to the T. They are good listeners and generally very good companions. They need extra work but the bond that results from that is indescribable. And really, it's easier talking to a dog you know. I love talking to animals and dogs are really receptive to speech. They are really quite amazing animals.

As a pet owner you'd  think that when you lose one, getting another will be no hustle. The fact is that it can be quite a hustle and by hustle I mean emotionally. We've had two dogs at home and let me tell you there is a way you get so attached such when you lose one it really hurts.

We first had Rex. A clichรฉ name I know but oh well he was our cool Rex. He had this grey coat with black spots and stripes. He looked like a type of hound and he was really fierce. I didn't bond with him much but he was a sight to look at. My dad was the only one who could feed him comfortably. Rex was not a people person really but he was a uniquely good dog. Sadly he got Rabies and he had to be put down. I haven't seen a dog that closely resembles him ever since.

Then there was Goofy. This was one was just the cutest, dirtiest, fat and tiny puppy when my mum brought him. He melted our our hearts from the start. He resented water from the moment my mum washed the dirt and fleas off him...Ha-ha. That aside, he was playful and an all people person if you didn't hurt him. As a puppy he would run around, drag the doormat to the road then come back to take a slipper or anything he would find really hence the name Goofy.

He would jump at your feet, wag his fat little tail, roll on the grass, lick you, give harmless bites. He was easy to handle. He took care of his business secretly without the need for intense potty training. He grew up so fast and so big but he was just as goofy on the inside as he was when he was pup. If you saw him you'd probably think he had some German Shepherd DNA. Maybe he had but we were not sure about his history. His bark was so loud it would make you think 5 times before coming to our place. The bark was just a front however. He was harmless and very friendly.

What I loved most about him was how he would meet me at the gate when I came back home from school and walk me home. He would lick my fingers and I enjoyed giving him belly rubs. I loved the way he got excited and jumped at me on his hind legs. I was afraid of the jumps  at first but I got used to it. I enjoyed feeding him. That was probably what made me bond more with him. I always had a smile on my face when I saw him.

How he died was just a blow to us. Apparently we had some jealous neighbour who poisoned most of the dogs around and well that is how our Goofy went to see his maker. He was still young. He would be around 15 years old now. I human years that is like 83-93  years. That would be a very old dog. Maybe we would have had to put him down but still, we would have enjoyed most of his youth years. It was really heartbreaking. I still miss him. Everyone at home still misses him.

After his death we never had the will to get another dog. It's only recently that we've been thinking about getting another but I don't think anyone has the energy to fast track it. That is something you learn with the loss of a pet. You will mourn, you will miss your lost pet and more importantly you will learn that you can never replace a pet.

Pets come with their different personalities and energies. Having a pet is about having compassion. Animals feed off the energy you give and they quickly learn whether they are loved or not. You'd be surprised or shocked at how your pet will be a devil by the way it will act out. So don't get a pet with the mindset of replacing the one you lost. Before you get a pet, find out first if there is chemistry then start a fresh and learn how to gel with the pet's personality.

Also, don't have a pet if you can't give that pet quality life. For example don't get a dog if you have no idea how you'll feed it. You don't get a large breed dog if you have no space for it to run around. You don't get a dog and you have no idea what Parvovirus and Rabies is. There is also the matter of deworming. You also have to control breeding. If you don't intend to breed, you have to spay or neuter dogs and even rodents(guinea pigs) to prevent overpopulation.  Basically you have to take care of a pet just as well as you would take care of yourself.

At this rate I think I would be a very good pet sitter๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. I'm not able to give quality life to pet as of now but in future I will definately have a couple. The only thing I can do is admire other people's pet. So please forgive me if I am overly excited when I see your pet.๐Ÿคฃ. Pets are awesome!


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