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The Good vs Evil Battle

Every waking day, we struggle with good and evil. It is a never-ending battle. It is as if the angels and demons within us are in it to win a race with the prize being our souls. It is no rocket-science it is always easier for us to think of what will make us comfortable or what is more rewarding. While it is not bad to think about your comfort,sometimes honestly speaking we act from a place of selfishness. We decide to be so self-involved. This is because to be good sometimes it means sacrificing your comfort for someone else's comfort. It means you have to let go of something, be it money, a sit in the matatu, your time, your energy et cetera, et cetera.

In this world where vices are praised and bad takes the day I still believe that most people are good and that change is possible. Goodness is not necessarily shown by doing big things. It is the small things that matter;

Be forgiving to those who wrong you. Revenge is an unrewarding venture. Let those people be. Karma always does its thing.

Say thank you to whoever provided you with any service. Be it Mama mboga, the cobbler or the tailor.

Help the old lady cross the road no matter how slowly she goes.

Let the expectant lady jump the line in whatever case no matter how passive and rude she is. A beautiful life is growing inside her and it is not easy.

Be patient and gentle with the old man in your family who keeps forgetting you and many other family members. Old age does a lot of things. 

Give your grandparents joy by visiting them. They need to feel that youthful energy around them. It makes them happy.

Be grateful to your parents and love them no matter how little they might provide. They make a lot sacrifices for you and sometimes only God knows their struggles. Respect them. Care for them.

To the child selling fruits by the road, do not bargain. He just wants to get a little money for food or to help his mama get by.

Be thoughtful to the children or families living in the streets. If you can, buy them food. Listen to their stories. Make them a little happier. Do more for them with a willing heart. Not for show.

If you matriculate in fancy addresses then you should know how blessed you are and that giving back to the society should not be such a hard feat. The things of this world will remain in this world. 

In every aspect of life be good. Lets make this world a better place. Be the good the world needs.

Charles Dickens said," I believe that virtue shows quite well in rags and patches,as she does in purple and fine linen. I believe that she and every beautiful object in external nature,claims some sympathy in the breast of the poorest man who breaks his scanty loaf of daily bread. I believe that she goes barefoot as well as shod. I believe that she dwells oftener in alleys and by-ways than she does in courts and palaces,and that it is good, and pleasant,and profitable to track her out,and follow her."

Parting shot----》Hear the devil but always Listen to the Angel.


  1. Hear the devil but listen to the angel 💯. Quite something!

  2. Being good needs sacrifice of self.

  3. Goodness is not necessarily shown by doing big things. It is the small things that matter��


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