Holder of my soul,
Charmer of my heart,
And lover of my mind.
To sail in my sea of love,
Is no easy feat.
We will face the undercurrents,
Lightning will strike,
Thunder and rain will all be upon us.
My captain,
On your starboard,
I will be there,
On your portside,
I'll still be there,
On dark's edge,
I'll be the light you see,
And on the day's edge,
A shoulder to lean on.
I'll help you read the stars.
The Northern Star and The Southern cross will guide us
As we traverse the unkown and uncharted,
We will find comfort in the wonder of the constellations,
We will be magic in the darkest of nights,
We will be music in the stark silence,
We will be calm as storms rage,
In this sea, my love,
Despite the ebbs and flows,
We will stay afloat,
Our horizon is beautiful my captain,
And together,
Holding hands,
We will get there.
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