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The Letters Series-1

Dear Dearest,

I hope this finds you well. It’s been a really long minute. Like a really long one and I just wonder how you really are. It has been seven moons. Seven moons and I haven’t seen your face, heard your voice or heard you laugh. See, I’ve been wondering how to reach out to you. It may seem awkward or stupid considering we can always call or text each other seeing that we are living in the modern world but to be honest, I sometimes never feel those calls or texts. Or I just don't like them. Call me old school or whatever but I am one of those old souls who would write letters. And for you I would write anyway because you do that to me. You make me want to reach to these parts of me which I can only put down on paper.

If you must know, I wrote this in longhand before typing it. I fancy letters and the beauty of words put down in ink. There is something quintessential and raw about longhand. For me I feel an ambient connection between my mind and my soul. Emotions then flow to my hand. They then are manifested and translated when I put them down on paper. In a way, I feel I could write away and deep down in my heart I know you would read the honesty and the truth or lack thereof about me. When this finds you, I pray you read it picturing the words in my handwriting. I know mine does not beat your sexy longhand but read it anyway because my soul is in it.

I hope this September is kind to you. I hope it is treating you well. It is not one of my favourite months but it is always good enough for a month. Every month for me radiates a certain vibe. Sure, sometimes my emotions play a role in how they feel but in some way every month is a being. Every month has its nuances which are almost tangible if you allow yourself to feel it. It is almost as if the months talk to me. They show me how they want to be felt. I am one girl who is in tune with the universe. 

Take September for example. For me it is warm, musky, gentle and cool. Not too fast and not too slow. It is just enough. I know it sounds like it should be my favourite month but it really isn’t. As time goes by or if you find it sensible to reply to this letter, I’d probably tell you which mine is. No promises though. Anyway, I hope this month touches you the way it does me. I hope you find the time to feel is warmness. I hope you take the time to feel the breeze against your skin. Take time to let the air fill your lungs and just breathe. See, time moves fast. The sun rises as quickly as it sets. In a blink of an eye, time fades and all we are left with is this moment and memories. They maybe memories in pieces but they still are memories. They mean something. You hold on to those good memories because I am not letting go of them from my end.

I am not one to ramble on but for your sake I will. I hope you let go of your worries. I hope you let the sun warm your skin and you live for every day. I hope you say words for what they are and you keep on chasing your dreams. You let yourself feel pain then let it go. Lord knows I wish you so many things but the words to say all I want evade me so I am writing what my hand wants me to. I just wish you happiness my dear.

I haven’t stories to tell this time but maybe next time. That is only if you want me to. You might laugh at this because we all know I am one to listen to stories. Not one to tell them. But I can write them I’m sure. It will take quite a lot of my spirit but I can. For you I know I can. So please do not break my heart. I beg you. Or just let me down gently. A girl deserves that. My sweet self deserves that.

I really really miss you. I can’t wait to hug you and to feel you again. It is painfully sweet missing you. I wish I could see you soon enough but the world moves on its own terms. We never really get what we want sometimes now don’t we? We keep living as our hearts grow fonder. I silently pray I never get too frustrated and I pray I never forget you as days pass. I don’t know about you but I hope you share my fears. It is a terrible thing to be connected with fear but sometimes it is the only way we know we are alive and that we can feel.

Sad as it is, I have to say goodbye for now. I can’t write forever right? The rain is falling and I feel like letting my thoughts wander to oblivion. I need to let go of the weight they cast on my life and let them fly so that I can filter out what is worth back to my mind from what I need to let go for good. When you get this, know that I can’t wait to hear from you soon if not sooner. Until then, stay safe and take care.
Sending love and kisses❤

Yours with love,



  1. "...I fancy letters and the beauty of words put down in ink. There is something quintessential and raw about longhand. For me I feel an ambient connection between my mind and my soul..."


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