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The Letter Series- 4

Dear Dearest,

I know it's been long. We always think we can keep up with something but things happen in life and you just lose interest in a lot of things. Somehow the drive you had gets lost and you get worried that you are totally never going to get it back. In this context I mean why write a letter when you are not in the mood? A letter carries emotions, desires and soul. In today's world it can be quite pointless. I hope you understand when I say that I struggle sometimes to put my thoughts into a letter. I don't mean to say I will stop writing you letters. I just mean that sometimes words will escape me and the letters will not be as pronto but I will keep on.

Have I ever told you there is thing I do sometimes when I am especially bored? I like watching people. Not in the normal sense of how they eat, walk, talk and the like but I do this thing of watching human beings while trying to separate the physical being from the spiritual being or the soul of a person. And no, I am no witch. People usually describe other people by their souls. For example so and so is a happy soul or a sad soul. I have often wondered is it that they can see the soul as a separate entity? If they do that, then it is possible for me to see a person's soul too. It is quite intense but interesting and fascinating to watch and learn that human beings are a living paradox.

I have noticed that for many people, the souls and physical beings are really not in harmony. They are separate entities. One following the other or one totally shadowed. Of course I discovered I can only do this when I am in total harmony with my soul. I also do it easily when I am wearing my spectacles.....hehe. I can only see other souls if I feel the presence of my own soul.

Let me tell you friend, it is amazing the kind of souls I have seen and met. There are the gypsy souls. These are everywhere, always on the road and they always have somewhere to go. The classical souls have an air of elegance to them. More like Mozart if you know who Mozart is. They are a type of way these ones. Gentle souls which mostly belong to the old folk always radiate calmness. They have seen all and experienced all and their souls are at that point in time where they need not fuss. They are more aware of time and the fickleness of it. Then there are the baroque souls who are complex yet beautiful in their complexity. I can only describe them as much.

Firey souls are just fire. I never gaze at them as much. Like volcanoes they can erupt and burn everything and everyone in their way. They are lit though. Their excitement can be felt with anyone who gets to know how to not let them erupt. Then there are the angry and sad souls. Their owners have kept them silent and hidden for a very long time. Most of the angry souls are owned by people who look happy in the actual sense. These are the ones who try to please everyone and seem to enjoy the joys of life. I have closely looked at them however and they have these brief moments where their faces show the agony, frustration and desperation. They are not easy to talk to.I sometimes wish I could reach out to their crying souls but nobody can talk to souls really as much as we can see them.

There are the trapped souls,dark souls, broken souls and lost souls who look displaced in this world, always on the look for something to hold on to. Majority fall into these three type of souls. Many a times I wish I could reach out to these souls but it can get complicated. I can only reach a soul if the owner allows it and for these souls it can be difficult. So I pray for them. I pray for the trapped souls to break free, the dark souls to find light, the broken souls to find healing and the lost souls to be found.

The most powerful of souls are the quintessential souls. The pure and innocent souls. Most children and babies have pure souls. I think that is why we are almost always in awe with them. They effortlessly capture our attention, make us smile and make us think of uncomplicated things in life. Their untainted selves make us find the parts of ourselves that we like and love. They are a force to behold. There is no other soul quite like them. They are angelic, bright and all things good and wonderful. Well of course adults with pure souls are there but they are rare. I have never come across one myself. If I find one I will tell you.

Sometimes I really can't describe some souls or fit them in a particular space. Some I see in colours and some I see in numbers. I guess they never want to be defined. It is an interesting realm to see. I don't know if people realize that our souls do not only become important or noticeable when we die. They are just as important when we are alive. I pray that by the time other people wish our souls eternal peace, we may find peace with our own souls while we are alive.

As for you my friend, your soul is a rainbow. A coat of many colours. A kaleidoscope. I write to you and I feel warmth. I feel love. I feel the showers of favour and the promise of blessings. You are beautiful my friend.

Stay well and stay healthy.

Yours With Love,



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