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North: Part 1


It only makes sense that I write about this guy whom I will call North first. It comes easy because I have known North for practically 19 years. The irony is however, our birthdays are literally three weeks apart and this guy hardly remembers mine. This guy remembers we loved pineapples when we were kids, something I don't even recall yet my birth date has always escaped him. Anyway, I have never held it against him. North, if you will ever read this,( which I doubt you will) I have forgiven you for 70×7 birthdays to come so there is no need for more apologies.
Pheeww, 19 years is a long time when you think about it. We were neighbours and did all what kids did. I was a noisy, inquisitive, plump hyper-active girl who was really good at singing, 'Kati'and running despite my heaviness. North was quite the opposite. He was calmer in all aspects. I am trying to remember his laughter as a kid but I can't. All I hear is my own laughter drowning his but I can still see his smile.

We went to the same school but we were 'enemies' because of the stupid feuds his class had with mine. Those things were serious. It was a crime to engage with someone from either class if the feud was heated. At home however, we were besties. We never thought of those silly school stuff and had our own fun. It was keeping tabs on the number of permanent teeth we had and taking turns buying batteries for Brickgame. It was competing on who had more yellow golf balls(Those were quite rare). It was making fun of other kids. It was feasting on mint fudge, Patco's, Koo, Bibo and the good Big G of those days. It was licking Juci Cola and orange flavoured glucose. You know, it is still a wonder we never took a photograph together. It would be something we could use to take us back to when life was not riddled with too much worry.

It was all fun and good times until my family had to move and I had to go to boarding school. We lost touch for some years but we reconnected some time in high school. We had grown. Time had flown. We still say time flies because it is like we discover something new about ourselves every time we meet. He was this tall boy with a bass and he was really scared of Goofy our dog....Ha-ha. I was this short, no nonsense, keep-it-to-myself girl who loved staying indoors away from the world. What we were as kids sort of reversed and is still reversed in the sense that he is more outgoing now while I am the calmer and quieter one who gets socially exhausted quite fast.

As a teen, I was familiar with him so I was comfortable around him. If you knew me then, you must have probably noticed I was a nervous wreck around testosterone pumped boys. God they were too much for me. But it was easy to be around him. I think for one it was because he was bigger part of my childhood and so it was easy to talk to him. Mostly I think it was because in a way he got me. He might have a terrible memory and look aloof sometimes but he is really good at reading people's demeanour. I never felt any pressure to be someone I am not. I could tell my mum I am was with him and she wouldn't break a sweat worrying.

What I remember most vividly was my first kiss. I was eighteen. Yeah, Yeah I know I was late to the party but who cares. And yes, North was my first kiss. I never had any expectations as to how my first kiss would be but I was curious about how it would feel and I wanted that experience. To be honest I really liked my first kiss. I don't know how many people can say that about their first kiss. Mine wasn't messy. It was soft and gentle. I remember I was in blue jeans and my sister's pink hoodie. He was also in blue jeans and a grey T-shirt. How I remember that God knows. What I do know is that he knew what he was doing and I liked it.

As we all know, most childhood friendships always get bumpy later in life no matter how much we don't want them to. Those rough patches have a way of causing a lot of confusion. We never seem to find the way forward. Ours was no different. It happened after he said those three damned words ................................

Part 2 coming up next week.
Truddie sends love!!


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