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The Letter Series- 5

Image: Pinterest

Dear Dearest,

Where do I even begin? There has been so much going on and being smack in the middle of it, I haven't had the peace of mind to sit and write to you. There is so much to tell you and so much I'd rather not tell you because I myself can't seem to understand it really. A pouring of my thoughts would probably need some neat whiskey but you know that can't crack me. So I'll just ramble on whatever comes to mind at this moment.

I was talking to a friend the other day. He was checking up on me. Something unfortunate had happened on my side and he told me to feel it all. That I shouldn't hold anything back in whatever way. There is something in the way he can call and ask you how life is and you can't lie because you just can't.

I like the way he has the courage to tell people to feel. I don't think I have that voice. I am always at a loss of words. I can be there but I let people be rather than speak words. Words can be meaningless and even thoughtful words can feel like bile.

It's funny because when him and I could physically see each other, we didn't exchange so many words and now that we are miles apart, we speak and talk as if we were forever besties. But really he is one of the most caring and kindest of people I have ever met. He is an angel. Beyond the shards of glass and piercing darkness, he has a way of calming souls. Not only because he is familiar with how this world can break us but because he is human enough to help you bridge the gap between the twisted worlds of night and light.

I don't know how he does that. I don't know how he somehow managed to catch his breathe and yet be there when needed. I can't even begin to imagine how he stands depsite the world clawing and flaying him. But I see a lot of things in him. I see him and I see courage. I see undescribable pain. I see resilience. I see wisdom. I see strength. I see grace. I see both worlds. I see his unrelenting will to grow and transcend anything that comes his way. I see the lifeline he is using to get out of the woods.

One day I'll tell you how he is all about alternate realities, tech and spying. One day I'll tell you about his unique taste in music,  how he can talk about mysticism and how he can easily break down boggling scientific and philosophical works. Come that day, I will tell you all there is to say about him.

For this day I hope he receives a million fold the care and kindness he so gives without any reservations. For this day I hope he keeps getting better. I hope that lifeline never breaks and I hope someone is always waiting on the other side to throw him another one in case he needs it. I just hope the unkind world finds it in itself to give him the break and space he desires. There is only so much a human can handle and for that I pray he finds peace.

Dear Dearest, I'll see you soon in the letters to come.

Yours with love.



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