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Life is a big game of Chess


I like playing Chess when I am bored. There is a way the game makes me think and reason. I almost feel like my neurons are firing every time I play and I enjoy that tiring high. I still call myself an amateur though because hell, Chess is a complex game. It could be an entire course by itself and I probably wouldn't do too well.

Anyway, when they say life is a big game, I think they meant life is a big game of Chess. At any one point we are all moving pieces to get to some end.  We are all playing different sets of Chess boards simultaneously.  Like Chess, life is really about strategizing and playing our pieces right.

I associate Chess with the kind of abilities each one of us has. We all have these different sets of abilities which we use to find some meaning in life. Those abilities are like Chess pieces with each piece having different strengths and different ways of navigating life. As an individual you are the King. I say so because the King in chess remains constant. Constant not that it can't move, but that it can't be taken. The king can only be cornered.

Your job as King in life is to avoid being cornered. All this while working your pieces to corner the opponent's king or in this case to work toward your endgame. The opponent is the challenge(s) you'll face. Your Queen in life is your most powerful of strengths or what you're really good at. The queen moves back and forth in any direction across the board which goes to say that it's the 'it' in the game.

So really, moving forward in life means using your most valuable skill in a way that you can get the most of returns. It means watching how you position your Queen because losing that one piece means losing vantage.  Losing your Queen means you'll likely be thrown off balance and can automatically mean losing a game. Y
ou always watch your Queen.

The Rooks, Bishops and the Knights are your middle game players or rather the help you need to get to where you want to.  Their power is mostly seen at this stage. They can be in the form of your connections, friends or those people in positions to help you get to where you want to be. Depending on the direction you want to take, these are the go to people because you can't work alone in this life. As much as they are middle game players, their collaboration with the Queen can get you to your endgame quite fast. These are the kind of people who can help you jump loops. They are there to hold your hand and be your tower.

Then there are the pawns. The frontliners in war. The ones who are easily sacrificed.  Pawns in life are your weaknesses or your weak links.  I think you are old enough to know them. They are tiny little buggers who seem useless but when played right they can be formidable. The pawn is the only piece which can be promoted/graduated to any other piece apart from the King. This only happens if it gets to the other side of the board. In short, your weakness can be your strength when you play right.

We are all in the game and we all play the game even though sometimes we aren't aware of it. Each one's game is different. The number of games we play at a time are different. Just like in chess, repeating moves doesn't mean the countermoves will always be the same. Variables change. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we win and sometimes we draw.  The good thing is that when we lose, we can always re-arrange the pieces on the board and start over.


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