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Short Hair Feels!!

Image: Pinterest

The other day my friend asked me three questions;

1. Where did you get the courage to shave your hair?
2. Didn't you fear that you might look funny or something?
3. And how did it feel after shaving?

It's been five months since I shaved. I did it after my birthday but the decision to shave had been on my mind for more than a year. For me the journey to the big chop off was quite long. First came the idea to shave which I couldn't shake off. It was like a yearning to see the other side of me and honestly I was tired of thinking of the many hairstyles to wear. Sitting in the salon for hours has never been fun.

Second came the season where I kept on asking my family and  friends how I'd look like if I'd shave. Of course most of them said NO. I remember mentioning it couple of times to my mum till she was done. She just said, "Wacha kushinda ukisema utanyoa. Enda tu unyoe." I stopped asking then but I kept on thinking of the different outcomes. That took like 6 months.

Thereafter came the season where I was glued to Pinterest and Instagram downloading  and screenshooting photos of ladies who had shaved. I had a whole album containing various cuts which would suite my 'kasmall' head haha. I think when you become fixated on something, your mind will do all it can to make you notice that which you want. When I was taking a walk or running errands, all I noticed was ladies who have shaved and I was like, "This is it. There's no going back."

Shaving does require some courage. I mean it is one hell of a major change and there's always the fear of how different you'd look. Sure, I was afraid I'd look funny but for the most part I really didn't care. I was like, "It's just hair. Hair will grow and there is really no need to be overly attached to it." I think I'd just reached that point where I was ready to handle that decision and resulting change for what it was.

I also think the other reason I found it easy to just shave my hair was that I was single. Trust me, I wouldn't have done it if I was still dating. Knowing how my ex was, he would have a field day laughing his ass off and making never ending jokes. It wouldn't have been in a mean way but I know I would be pissed off in the long run. So yeah, I think by being single I felt freer to make that choice.

There's a lot to think about when in a relationship you know. Shaving hair shouldn't be a problem during dating per se but hell, all that is in your mind at the time is that your partner will never see you as the same person again. That among other bedroom reasons would probably make you hold on to that hair. You'd be surprised that short hair is a deal breaker to some men.

Anyway, after shaving it off I remember feeling lighter and bolder. I felt like I was ready to face the world and that I was ready for any other change. I felt like I could make choices and follow them through. Of course you can only feel that if you get a good barber. So ladies please invest in a good barber if you decide to go that route. Shaving might also be a good strategy to weed out some of these men...Ha-ha.

They say when a lady shaves she is onto something big in her life. I don't know about that but I'm manifesting that something big. One thing I'm sure of is I don't regret a thing. It's fun playing around with short hair. Funny I've had more years with short hair than long hair but this time short hair feels just right. Also maintaining short hair is less stressful and cheaper honestly.

To wrap it up I'll just say sometimes change is good and sometimes change is bad. Sometimes it will find you and sometimes you will have to make that choice to change.  When you have to make that choice, you'll always know when the time is right. Obviously some people may not like it. You just have flow with the choice you made. Those people will have to adjust to the version you've become or they  will just have to leave you alone.


  1. I love this one...yes sometimes it weighs down..mi have been doing short hair since I can't recall...expenses saved and each time someone tells me to make my hair...I remember if I ask them for any cent onto it they can't give sustainably... So shaving saves in saving. Again true a lady who keeps her hair short has more deary replies and is always way far over confident. I love the feeling. And u really look good in it. Believe me girl

    1. Thank you very much!!
      Cheers to short hair

  2. As women it's difficult to be honest with ourselves how much we hide behind our hair, we haven't seen our true selves, true confidence, boldness and true beauty for as long as we're hiding behind our hair..
    But hey, you won't realize that just until you do the buzz!

    1. I like your perspective; that we hide behind our hair. By hiding behind our hair we are less aware of our flaws.
      By getting the buzz I think I have become more aware of myself and not in a bad way. I have definately realized that I comfortable in my skin. I have been more confident and I have kept my head my head higher than when I had long hair.

  3. Totally relates!


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