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Finding calm

Sometimes I feel like the world is moving so fast I can't catch up. It can get crazy honestly because there is less and less time to filter out the world and find some peace or some emotional stability. If we could, all of us would go for therapy but we all know how genuine therapy is expensive.

Nevertheless, there are things we can do to take care of ourselves the best we can. I'll share some tips or activities which can be incorporated in your daily life to help bring you back to your inner self. I practise some or most of them. Some I haven't brought myself to do but there is proof from other people or literature that they work.

Here goes;

1. Music

We underestimate the power of music sometimes. But how powerful is music really? It's simple and complex at the same time. For one, our memory of songs or music isn't stored in the same area of the brain where our memory of things we see or learn in class e.t.c is stored. That pretty much explains why we remember songs we heard ages ago effortlessly.

I read somewhere that as much as people with Alzheimers Disease or any other form of dementia forget so many things about themselves or their lives, their music memory remains strong. You'll find that they can recall songs they have heard over time and it calms them. I won't go into the details of that but it's like God made us that way so that when everything seems insane, we have something to hold on to and help us find calm. So yes, whether you know it or not, that playlist you have serves a function other than entertainment. Keep on it and add on to it.

2. Journaling

Let me start by admitting that I don't journal. Reason? I am a paranoid person by nature. I'm always afraid somebody might come upon it and read it. Also I love admiring journals or notebooks rather than write on them...Ha-ha. But seriously though journaling helps.

Imagine the amount of information you upload to your brain each and every day of your life. Imagine how your brain has to make sense of everything. It goes on overdrive and sometimes it's just madness. Journaling helps you download some of that information. Hand writing your thoughts to a journal relieves the brain of processing too much at a go. It is calming and soothing. I know because I have been told it works.

The added advantage is that you will be recording memories. A journal has no formula really but it's good when you're consistent. You write whatever you want however you want it. It only makes sense to you. So go on, get a cute journal and write on. I'll join you when I feel ready😂😂. Also, are those notebooks which have key locks still sold?😂😂. Or does anyone want to gift me a cute notebook?

3. Sweat it out

Who said exercise is only worth it if you go to the gym? Not everyone can afford gym membership anyway. If you can, good for you. Maximize it. If you can't,  there are pretty much many other exercises you can do at home. You can run, jog, take long walks, do basic yoga and Pilates e.t.c. The aim of it all is to sweat your frustrations out. Stretch those muscles and sweat your anger out. Fitness serves not only your physical health but also your mental health.

I run three times a week in the mornings and let me tell you if feels so good. I treasure that time. It is my me time. The silence. The chirping of birds. The air is so cold but so fresh with a hint of Eucalyptus(my route has quite a number of blue gum trees). I'm mostly all sweaty and worn out thereafter but then I see the sun rise in the horizon and its all worth it. Fitness is a personal affair. Find out what works for you and stick to it. Results can take ages. In the process you'll learn patience plus a lot of things about your body.  Point to note; If your work out feels like a chore then you are probably going at it the wrong way.

4.  Be an indoor plant parent

Indoor plants bring such freshness and aesthetic to a space. Most indoor plants are so easy to take care of and they are so gorgeous to look at. Nature calms the soul and thus your mind.  You can hardly go wrong with them unless you really don't love plants. You'll feel a sense accomplishment watching them grow. You'll feel you can take care of something. You'll feel in control.
Easy indoor plants to care for include most succulents(Cacti), Arrowhead plant, Prayer plant, Commom ivy plant, Mother-in-law plant, Money plant, e.t.c. They also include herbs like rosemary, mint, lemon grass and the like. If you are into it, you can monitor how they grow and keep a record in book.

5. Gardening.

Here you can go all out, get your hands dirty and connect with the earth. You are made of earth anyway. You don't need such a big space. The idea of gardening is to maximize a small pace. Gardening requires more effort. It needs your care. If you have some land and you're up for the challenge then this is it. You can choose whether you want a kitchen garden or a flower garden or mix it up. Flower gardens can be a little frustrating because flowers tend to be sensitive to the elements but hey, you'll get to learn a lot. You can go for rose, daisies, morning glory, sunflowers, Calla lilies e.t.c

I'd love to have both but I prefer kitchen gardens because I can basically plant a combination of veggies fruits and herbs like kales, black nightshade, spinach, lettuce, chillis, capsicum, spring onions, strawberry, passion, rosemary, lemon grass and so much more. With a kitchen garden you'll enjoy the fruits of your hands. You can play around with a lot of plants to your liking. Gardening shifts your mind from the world to the now or the present.  It lessens your anxiety. It tones down your thought process and focuses your attention to the simple elegant things in life.  And sometimes that is all we need.

6. Reading

They say reading fires up those neurons in the brain leading to increased brain connectivity. That simply translates to better comprehension, better thinking and better problem solving. Reading reduces stress and also helps you sleep better.  Doesn't matter the genre. Read whatever you can and whatever is available that picks on your interest. If a book happens to speak to you, write about it. Remember that journal I wrote about up there? Yes, your journal can serve multiple purposes.

7. Find the time to operate in your gift.

We all have that thing we love to do. Whether it comes naturally or it is a skill you came to learn and you can't stop yourself but enjoy how it makes you feel, do it. It can be knitting, crotcheting, painting, cooking e.t.c. I'm sure you get my drift. You can find ways to spice it up. For example if you love cooking, write those recipes in a book or in recipe cards. You can also start a blog or a You Tube channel.  If it's painting, build a portfolio. If it's crotcheting, post cute of your creation in Instagram or Pinterest. If your gift happens to bring you money, the better. The whole idea of operating in your gift is to be yourself in a world that demands you to act like somebody else or be somebody else. We were given those gifts to relieve us from the pressures of this world

And Voila! That is all I have for now. I haven't exhausted everything for sure but I bet these will make a difference one way or another. So go on and try out what works for you and experience the results yourself.


  1. Great piece! I practise most of the hobbies listed above and the joy and peace I get out of them is out of this world. As for journaling, I'm one of the people big on it and the few minutes I get to spend with my thoughts, a book and a pen at the end of the day are magical!

    1. Thank you!! I'm glad you practise these. Keep on it!!

  2. I need to start journaling, if they have the journals with padlocks, please send me that way. Great piece ,I loved it

    1. Haha...I sure will send one your way when I find it.
      And Thank you!!


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