I love what love is in my mind though. I love how limitless it is. How amazing it is. How whole it is. May be that is why I struggle to write about it. Not because I fear writing about it but because I fear I won't bring out what it truly is. I feel it won't be pure as they way it feels in my mind. I now find that fear quite stupid because love is love however it is described. It doesn't have to be complete in words. It is just enough to be as it is.
Someone somewhere might say that I haven't been loved fiercely enough that is why I find it hard to write about it. That when you are loved fiercely enough you will scream your heart out for the world to know just how big that love is. Who said love only makes sense if it makes you scream from the rooftops anyway?
I have experienced love which moved in silence. Take word. I have said silence. Not secret. Those two mean totally different. For a while I was worried it wasn't enough. Like I needed it to feel like the whole world should know. But then that was not me. I don't like the whole world being in business. I am just not that type. So maybe it is true what they say. The energy you give is the energy you receive.
It never meant that I loved any less or the love was less powerful. It was still powerful. It did mean everything. I loved its silence. Its magic. I loved it because it was an embodiment of who I was.
I believe love speaks for itself in a way. If welcomed it shows itself. You will know it. You will feel it. Whether love makes you scream from the rooftops or whether it is calm, love remains as sharp as a Japanese Katana.
Mmmmh yup