So many souls I've met,
Gypsy souls.
Always on the road,
Always somewhere to go.
Classical souls,
These have an air of elegance to them.
Baroque souls,
So complex yet beautiful.
Firey souls,
They blaze any path they take.
Angry souls,
These cannot seem to find peace.
Quintessential souls,
Souls so pure.
Trapped souls,
So full of worries.
Free souls,
These are the happy-go-lucky ones,
Always living for the moment.
Dark souls,
Because of their pain,
They cause unimaginable pain.
Gentle souls,
Always radiating calmness.
Lost souls,
With eyes so blank,
They feel misplaced in this world,
Always in the search of something to hold on to.
Which soul am I?
I cannot tell,
I am all I think.
May be that is also a type of soul.
I can see all,
Therefore, I am ALL.
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