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The Letter Series- 6

Dear Dearest,

I hope you are well. They say change comes when you least expect it. But sometimes you do expect it. And sometimes that change doesn't turn out bad. Or rather that change comes with a kind of calmness. Well for me it felt like so which is rare because I am known to be wary  and a bit too anxious when it comes to change.

We moved out of a place we called home for 17 years. That is a long time to stay in a place I knew would never be permanent. A lot of memories were made there nonetheless. I mean I called that place home as a child, an adolescent and a young adult. You can imagine the happy moments and sad moments all being brought to that house. They were a lot.

Do I miss it? No. I really don't. I treasure the memories and all but I can't say I miss it. Moving was long overdue. It was time we changed the scenery, the air and how we felt the sun. Seems like I was exhausted with the place huh? Maybe I was. Or maybe I was tired in a way. Or lethargic. I don't know. I just felt ready to welcome any change no matter how small. And I was grateful when it came. More to that, I was glad that it wasn't too stressful nor too drastic.

I am liking this new place. It is neither too hot nor too cold. My babies, the houseplants, definately appreciate this. It has just the right feel to it. And guess what? It's close to the highway. It feels like Thika Road sometimes. I never thought I would like being close to the road what with all the noise but I really don't mind this place honestly.

The nights here are unique. You know I'm used to seeing starlit skies but here the road is light-lit. The trucks really look beautiful with all the coloured lights they have. Or probably it's my astigmatism which makes the lights beautiful..haha. Whichever way, I still love the view.

I don't know what it is about watching cars. There is a way they draw you in and you can sit or stand for hours just staring at the road waiting for a car to pass. I bet you there are people who started dreaming of the future just from watching cars. Big dreams at that.

I am yet to discover how much more this place has to offer. I already love the market. There is a lot more here at a fair price. I am hoping to soon make use of the garden and grow some vegetables. My desire however is to grow sunflowers and watch them bloom. I always thought sunflowers only grew in hot climates but I was wrong. They are pretty much hardy plants that would do good almost everywhere in the tropics. They would definately do good here.

I am hopeful for many things. There is calmness in the air I assure you. I have a feeling good things are to come and I will tell you all I can about it. As of now I have said all I wanted to say. I am sure there will be more to say.

You take care of yourself for the moment.
'Till next time

Yours with Love,



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