I am madly in love with you. I love you madly. It is insane how much I love you. Why do people put insane or mad with love together? It has never sat well with me. Not when I had no idea of what feelings were and definitely not now that I know how what feelings are and how confusing they can be. I see how people melt at those words. I see how their eyes glow. I see how they are at loss for words. How speechless they get. How they soon forget their world and choose to revolve their lives around the sayer of those words. I see them forget themselves. It is seems to me they are enchanted. Smiling but for fading roses. Eating but never getting full. They dance to the music of dark knights and angels with many faces. No. I don’t like it when madly and in love are together. It feels sinister. My heart will beat fast I don’t deny. But not because I feel my insides melting, releasing butterflies in my stomach. Not because it will cause words to get s...
Dear teen self, There is so much I want to tell you but first things first I want you to know that you are beautiful. I know you believed you were not. I know you wanted to be like so and so and it pained you every time you looked in the mirror and saw the ugly parts of you. I know you looked at your face and saw how your skin and nose looked like and you hated it. I know you were scared that is what you would feel all the way through your life and it sucked the joy out of you. I want to tell you that feeling won’t last because you grew up. You searched deep into your soul. You recognized yourself and saw beauty. You stopped hiding in the shadows. You touched your skin and you were okay with its imperfections. You looked in the mirror and liked the girl looking back at you. You now love your nose. You might not be confident yet about what life has in store for you but you are confident in your beauty for sure. There are many things I wish you did. So many things but the thing ab...